Monday, October 7, 2019

Object Oriented Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Object Oriented Technology - Essay Example This process might initially seem to involve unnecessary transitioning, as the applications can be easily integrated using a middleware application which requests/respond to queries to and from individual applications running in same/different platforms. Further, the resources (both manpower as well as system) involved in such transitions are much higher compared to developing a middleware application. However the advantages of using object oriented paradigm overwhelms these drawbacks with its enormous optimistic features and functionalities. The amount of effort involved in system transitions though high, is only a one time process. Once the existing models are transformed to object oriented models, the maintenance of the system become much easier and the resources involved for further enhancements would be reduced to a very great extent. Thus the end product of above process using Object Oriented approach would be a most reliable software application which runs on low production/ma intenance cost. 2. ... In object oriented approach, each of these entities are treated as objects as shown in below figure (fig 1). The objects communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages to perform the required task. Fig 1: Object oriented approach in banking application The structure of the entity in terms of all the functions (methods) and the data (inputs and outputs) involved for an object are defined in separate modules called Class. For example, in the above diagram, the data involved for the customer object would be customer id, customer name, customer address, customer contact number, customer email, etc. The functions involved would be to add customer data, get customer data, update customer data, etc. The bundle of all these data in the form of variables/data fields and all these functions in terms of methods are defined as a template/structure in a module (a piece of code stored separately) called Class (name it CUSTOMER). Similarly, the data fields involved for the account ob ject would be customer id, account number, PIN number, user id, password, account balance, interest etc and functions would be add account, verify account, get account info, get balance, set balance, etc. The data structure for this is stored in another class named ACCOUNT. The same procedure is followed for all the objects that are involved in the requirement. Thus the above figure is updated with the data fields and methods for each class as shown below (fig 2). This diagram/graphical representation of class in terms of data fields and methods is called Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram. Though there are many data/methods involved in real scenario for each object, only few are shown in figure as example. Fig 2: UML diagram showing class definition for each Object Thus, in the

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